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Back to School Safety Tips From a Lawyer

teacher in classroom at school

Back-to-school – while the sweet, slow days of summer have passed, for most parents, the “back-to-school” season is a welcomed transition to structure and a house not quite as full of kids all day. This annual fresh beginning of opportunities also comes with lots of excitement and many distractions.

In this season, daily routines are not just changing for your family, but also for your entire community, as drivers must get used to stopping for school buses again and parents race to drop of their children before a tardy slip ensues. As a result, there are many increased risks on the road to drivers, school buses, pedestrians, bikers, and most especially, children.

elementary student in classWith nearly 20 years of experience representing injury victims, the team of attorneys at Hicks Law Firm in Costa Mesa has seen a thing or two. As you purchase school supplies, get those last-minute haircuts, and stock up on school snacks and juice boxes, be sure to also carve out time to review our top back-to-school safety tips, so you and your family can have a safe and successful back-to-school season.

Tip #1: Don’t shy away from parenting teen drivers.

According to the CDC, car accidents are the second cause of teenage deaths, so it makes sense to start our list here. Every teen driver is different, so this tip is meant to remind and empower you to be attentive to the advice and supervision that your teen needs.

You probably know that your teen must be at least 16 years of age to obtain a driver’s license in California; however, that does not necessarily mean they have the wisdom to always make good driving decisions. One of your many jobs as a parent is to protect your children from their own poor judgment and see around the corners that they can’t see around.

Maybe your teen habitually sleeps in late and barely makes it out the door in time to get to school. If they are driving to school, remind your teen of the risks of speeding and that they must build in some extra time to get to school. Also, remind your teen that it is better to arrive late and alive than to risk their safety and the safety of those driving around them to avoid a tardy mark.

Perhaps, like nearly every other teenager in America, your teen is glued to their phone. Aside from speaking to your teen and implementing consequences for not following your rules on no texting and driving, you can also use phone apps that will prevent your teen from texting while driving.

If it’s not texting that is distracting your teen, it might be the old-fashioned distraction of too many passengers. Distracted driving caused over 3,000 fatal car crashes in 2020 according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). When teens do not have any other passengers in the vehicle while driving, the fatality rate of their accidents goes down by 21%. You know your teen. If passengers are a danger to their safe driving, then it’s time to be their parent rather than their friend and implement a no passenger rule.

Tip #2: Practice good bus-stop safety.

school busAlways walk young children to the bus stop and stay with them until the bus arrives. Older children may be able to walk to the bus by themselves, but only if the road and walkway permit them to do so safely. If the path to the bus does not have a wide sidewalk and especially if it had tight turns that a driver or pedestrian cannot see around very well, it might not be a safe route for your child to walk alone.

Even along relatively safe paths, consider driving your child to the bus stop or driving them to school on days when the weather is bad, and drivers’ visibility is poor due to rain and/or fog.

If your child’s walk to the bus stop or school involved crossing the street, ensure that there is a crossing guard present before you allow them to go. If it is impossible to avoid crossing a street without a crossing guard, practice the route with your child before school starts, taking the time to explain where they should be extra careful of cars. Of course, remind your child only to cross a busy road when the pedestrian sign is illuminated, signaling that is it safe to do so, but also remind them to look out for cars that may not be slowing down as they should and to make eye contact with the drivers near the crosswalk whenever possible to ensure that they see the child.

Tip #3: Be a “back-to-school” aware driver yourself.

Whether you are driving your children to school or driving in your community alone, we can all use a reminder to slow down and be aware of our surroundings. There are many noticeable changes on the roads once school is in session. We all need to get used to looking out for school buses, stopping a generous distance away from a school bus when children are loading and unloading, NEVER passing a school bus, being extra vigilant to come to a complete stop at every stop sign, and always being aware of your surroundings while driving.

You never know when a child is going to run out in the middle of the road or begin crossing a crosswalk when you have a green light. It is your responsibility to look out for those children and be able to stop safely and avoid an accident.

Accidents & Injuries Happen at School

It is a heartbreaking reality that every year, California experiences numerous accidents involving students, pedestrians, and school buses during the back-to-school season. We wish you and your children a safe and successful return to school. If you or someone you love is injured in an accident due to the negligence of someone else, our personal injury lawyers are here to support you in recovering the damages you are entitled to.

What is the Divorce Process in Georgia?

marriage ring divorce

Going through a divorce can be an emotional, stressful time, full of decisions you must make that can have far-reaching ramifications. Having a trusted, knowledgeable Georgia divorce attorney can make the process much easier, helping you understand all the issues, handling all the paperwork, and ensuring all deadlines are properly met.

First, you will determine whether you are filing a contested or an uncontested divorce.

Is Your Divorce Contested or Uncontested?

A contested divorce is one in which you and your spouse do not agree on one or more of the issues in your divorce (asset division, child custody, child support, spousal support). Your attorneys will negotiate these issues, or, if a mutually agreeable decision cannot be reached, the judge will decide. In an uncontested divorce, you and your spouse are in agreement regarding all the above issues.

Filing for Divorce in Georgia

Georgia state flagIf you file the divorce papers, then the divorce papers will be served on your spouse, and he or she will have a specific amount of time to answer your allegations. Both parties will complete Discovery, meaning they will exchange financial documents and other documents related to the issues at hand. In the state of Georgia, you can file for a no-fault divorce, meaning you are not specifying “fault,” like adultery or desertion.  A no-fault divorce simply states the marriage has irreconcilable differences.

The person filing for a divorce (petitioner) must have been a resident of Georgia for at least six months prior to filing. A nonresident petitioner can file for divorce if his or her spouse has been a resident of Georgia for at least six months. Also, it can be beneficial to be the spouse that files for divorce; that would give the petitioner strategic advantage and more control of the divorce timeline.

There is a downside to being the one who files for the divorce and that is that you will have to pay the filing fees associated with the divorce. Your spouse can also make “counterclaims” once he or she has been served with the divorce papers, and there may be unanticipated facts in the counterclaim that you must deal with.

Divorce Timeline in Georgia

Their are a number of factors impacting how long it takes to complete a divorce in the state of Georgia. Often it boils down to how much either party wants to litigate specific aspects of the divorce. Generally speaking, one could expect an “average” contested divorce in Georgia (if there is such a thing) to take approximately 1-2 years from the moment of filing, to completion. Here are a handful of driving factors to how long the divorce process in Georgia might take:

  • Filing paperworkDay 1: A spouse petitions the court for divorce.
  • Answering the complaint – Opposing spouse has 30 days to formally respond.
  • Standing orders – Once a spouse has filed for divorce, the court will automatically prohibit either spouse from familial or financial sabotage.
  • Discovery –Both spouses are required to disclose things like their assets & income.
  • Temporary orders –After Discovery, the process can take up to 12 months or longer to determine child custody, child support and spousal maintenance while the divorce is in process.
  • Pretrial negotiation –This phase can take several weeks or months depending on the number and size of assets and debts.
  • Custody proceedings –If children are involved you will be required to have a custody agreement and a co-parenting agreement in place. Custody proceedings can add on several weeks or months and considerable expense.
  • Late case evaluation –Around 4 months into the divorce process, the court holds a status conference to determine if the divorce is going to trial or will settle.
  • Trial –If there is no possibility of an equitable settlement, your divorce will be scheduled for trial. If you’ve reached this stage, you are already likely to have been in the divorce process for at least 6 months, and a divorce trial will add several weeks or months.
  • Divorce Decree.

Post divorce actions may extend after your divorce. While not necessarily apart of the initial divorce process, there are likely to be motions and legal actions that come up after the divorce decree is granted, especially in a highly contentious divorce. This includes things like child & spousal support modifications, visitation modifications and the enforcement of asset division.

Grounds for Divorce in the State of Georgia

If you choose not to file a no-fault divorce, Georgia has statutory grounds for divorce which include:

  • Intermarriage by those related to a prohibited degree
  • Mental incapacity
  • Impotency
  • Duress, force, or fraud
  • Adultery
  • Impregnation of the wife by a man other than the husband at the time of the marriage
  • Cruelty
  • Desertion
  • Conviction of a crime of moral turpitude with a sentence of two years or more
  • Chronic drunkenness or drug use
  • Mental illness that is not treatable or curable

Division of Assets

Georgia is an equitable distribution state rather than a community property state. In a community property state, assets are divided 50/50 regardless of who made the money or bought the assets. In an equitable distribution state, the assets are divided fairly, but not necessarily equally. Marital and separate property must first be determined.

If a judge must divide the marital assets, he or she will consider the separate assets of each spouse, the income and earning potential of each spouse, any conduct that resulted in dissipation of assets, the future needs of either spouse and all debts. The judge’s goal is to divide the assets in such a way that will make each person “whole” following the divorce.

Under Georgia law, alimony is authorized in limited situations, however, it is not the broad remedy it is in many other states. Alimony may be rehabilitative or permanent; permanent alimony is more likely to be awarded for a spouse in a long-term marriage. Rehabilitative alimony is a short-term measure that enables one spouse to get back on his or her feet following the divorce. It could be awarded to a spouse who needed to return to school or be trained to acquire necessary skills that would enable him or her to be competitive in the job market.

Other Georgia Divorce Issues

Child custody and child support are also determined during a divorce. Child custody is one of the more contentious issues, with courts determining what is in the best interests of the child when making these decisions. The courts operate under the assumption that children benefit from regular time spent with both parents. Legal custody could be given to one parent or shared.

Legal custody allows one or both parents to make decisions about such important issues as education, religion, and health. Physical custody can also be split or one parent can have primary custody while the other has regular visitation. If you are contemplating divorce, it is essential that you have a strong legal advocate in your corner who will ensure your rights and your future are properly protected.

Call Our Experienced Atlanta Family Law Attorneys

Hobson & Hobson P.C.At Hobson & Hobson, P.C., our Georgia divorce attorneys know that divorce is never easy. There are numerous issues that can arise, further complicating the process. That’s why we work quickly to help our clients address those issues and navigate through them. We advocate strongly for our clients throughout the divorce process, so we can protect their futures.

Call us today at (770) 284-6153 to schedule a consultation now so you can review all your legal options.

Law Firm Competitor Analysis 

If you are looking to improve your online presence, boost rankings, and increase visitor-client conversion rates, it is time to consider conducting a law firm competitor analysis. Conducting competitive research can help you learn not only more about how your competition works but how your firm can improve. You can identify opportunities to outshine them while staying on top of industry trends, site visitors’ expectations, and clients’ needs. 

Identifying Your Competitors 

While you may know who your local competitors are, you may not be aware of your online competitors. You will want to perform a Google search to identify those law firms. You need to search for your law firm name and make a note of which other firms pop up on the search engine results page. As you are gathering information about those law firms, record the following: 

  • Law firm name 
  • Serviced practice areas 
  • Target audience 
  • Marketing channels 
  • Initial strengths and weaknesses 

What Are the Parts of a Law Firm Competitor Analysis?

Once you have a solid list, you can start making comparisons to your law firm. To stand out in a niche market, you will need to focus on how your online competitors obtain their clients. To do that, you need to break down their marketing strategies. Your analysis should include the following components: website design, linking methods, content, rankings, and social media activity.

Website Design 

For a website to succeed, it needs to hold the attention of its intended audience. While SEO best practices continue to evolve, some desirable website design elements remain static. Those elements include: 

  • Layout – Websites should be designed with user intent in mind. For example, most people read from top to bottom. As such, you will want to include the most important information at or near the top of a given web page.
  • Navigational ease – Visitors should be able to get to their intended location within your website in three clicks or fewer. If a website’s sitemap is complex, the website may not be easy to navigate.
  • Load time – Something as seemingly insignificant as load time can make or break a website’s performance. Quality websites load quickly and do not freeze or lag. The longer a user has to wait, the more likely they will leave the site.

Linking Strategies and Website Content 

In terms of linking strategies, you will want to look at what your competitors are doing internally and externally. Remember that links are a primary factor Google uses to determine the authority of websites. That means that the more websites that link to your individual web pages, the better your reputation. Consider using Moz’s Link Explorer to compare link metrics among different websites. 

When analyzing your competition’s content, remember that the most successful law firm websites have practice area pages and a regularly updated blog. However, there are additional types of content like ebooks, white papers, and infographics that law firms can use to increase website engagement. If your competitors vary their content more than you are, it may be time to ramp up content production. 

In addition to the types of content your competitors are producing, you will also want to look at the structure of their content. Make a note of their keywords and how they funnel their content. If they are ranking higher than you, you may draw inspiration from their content management.

Search Engine Rankings 

Once you have an idea of how your competitors manage their website and content, it’s time to look at search engine rankings. If you don’t know where to start, consider the following for a webpage that is ranking well:

  • What is the primary keyword?
  • How many times is the primary keyword used?
  • Where is the primary keyword’s placement?
  • How many words are on the page?
  • Is the content engaging and helpful?
  • Are visitors encouraged to act?

Use the answers to those questions to determine potential changes you could make with your keyword strategies.

Social Media Activity  

Outside of a law firm website, social media activity can be a driving factor for converting potential leads into paying clients. Take your competitor list and start looking for their social media pages. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are among the most common platforms for lawyers. Once you find those profiles, consider the following questions:

  • What types of posts are they publishing?
  • How often are they linking to their website?
  • Are they running ad campaigns?
  • Are they using call-to-action phrasing in their posts?
  • How are they promoting their social media pages on their website? 

How to Evaluate Your Law Firm Against Competitors 

Once you have conducted a thorough law firm competitor analysis, it is time to evaluate your law firm website against those competitor sites. Then start, consider any overlap among the target audiences. What are your primary selling points, and how are they different from your competitors?  You will also want to determine if you address any pain points that your competitors are not. If you are, great, keep it up. If not, consider other valuable information you can provide website visitors.

If you are struggling to analyze your competitors or you want to start fresh with a new digital marketing strategy, consider outsourcing your marketing needs. If you are running a successful law firm, you might not have the time or bandwidth to balance your online presence and marketing needs. If that is the case, you can work with digital marketing professionals to improve your online presence. 

Improve Your Online Presence 

When you conduct a competitor analysis, you can determine how your services are different from your competition, which can help you with future marketing strategies. Maybe your law firm specializes in a unique area of law compared to your competition. You can start targeting ads, content, and other campaigns for potential clients with that knowledge. 

With a thorough law firm competitor analysis, you will be on your way to improving your online presence and webpage rankings. Building out the analysis can seem intimidating at first. Still, once you gather all of the necessary information, you will have what you need to determine how you stack up against your competitors. 

Content Marketing For Law Firm Websites

When potential clients are looking for answers to their legal questions, they will search online to learn about lawyers and law firms. They will do this well before they decide whether they need an attorney or legal advice. In order to showcase your skills as an attorney and answer their questions, you need to have a robust and concise content marketing strategy. Understanding content marketing is crucial to your law firm’s success.

What Is Content Marketing?

There are several different goals that you can pursue when you start considering how to develop your content marketing strategy. Overall, you want your online content to be valuable and engaging for your target audience. In order for your content strategy to be effective, it needs to establish expertise, brand awareness, and leadership. 

Your content will reflect your firm’s practice areas, brand, target audience, and more. Where you choose to publish your content depends on where your target audience is going to look for their answers to their legal questions. However, you will likely utilize blogs, social media posts, videos, and other online platforms. 

Every piece of content you share establishes your law firm as a leader in your practice areas. The right content builds trust with your potential clients and shows them that you are competent, knowledgeable, and trustworthy.

Understand Your Website’s Purpose

Remember that you ultimately want your potential clients to make it to your website no matter what platforms you use. As such, your website needs to be an excellent resource and contain certain elements that create a good foundation. Those most critical elements are education, promotion of services, trust, and a search engine optimization strategy (SEO). 

Make sure your target audience is able to navigate your website and find the information they need. You may consider outsourcing your content marketing strategy to a third party. Digital marketing companies can assess, design, or redesign your website. They also have the resources to conduct an SEO audit to ensure your website is the way to get recognized by Google.

Remember that you ultimately want your content marketing strategy to pull in prospective clients. The actual conversion from potential client to Asheville client happens when they learn about your services. Without a great website, you will have a much harder time obtaining new clients. 

Creating the Right Content for Your Clients

The content you create and share on your website needs to be high-quality and valuable to your prospective clients. In order to make the right content, you need to determine who your ideal client is, choose content focus areas, select the best platforms to post your content, and share your content through external sources. 

Defining a Client Profile 

In order to create the right content for your prospective clients, you first need to consider what sort of information is valuable to those individuals. Before you can do that, you need to know who your prospective clients are. Start by developing an ideal client persona. This will help you understand the types of people looking for your help. Include the following factors in your profiles:


  • Age 
  • Location
  • Financial situation 
  • Pain points 
  • Values 
  • Social media platforms 

The more precisely you create the client profiles, your content will be more effective.

Choosing Focus Areas

Once you have your ideal client profile laid out, you can focus on determining which services those individuals will need from you. The answers will lie in your practice areas and areas of expertise. One of the most effective ways to highlight your focus areas is storytelling. You can provide examples of your work while complying with ethics rules to help prospective clients envision what you offer, how you work with clients, and how you are an expert in your focus areas. 

Picking Platforms 

After determining your target audience and choosing content focus areas, it is time to pick the social media platforms you want to share your content on. You also need to consider which websites your prospective clients visit for information and educational resources. When you create your content for those platforms, you will have a better chance of reaching those that need your services. 

In terms of how you craft content for specific platforms, consider each platforms’ best practices. You will want to consider the preferred character count, image size, and the number of posts per day or week. In addition to the content itself, you will want to use SEO best practices and specifically and intentionally format your content for Google so that it can be easily found. 

Sharing Your Work 

In addition to posting content on your website and social media platforms, you need to learn about the advantages of guest posting and sharing your work. When you post your content on a well-read blog in your target audience’s areas of interest, you will be recognized as an expert in your field, and your prospective clients will learn more about how your services can help them.

Guest blogging is also crucial to your backlinking strategy. When other websites link back to your firm, your website’s authority improves, which can enhance your website’s search rankings. It can be easier than you think to secure writing opportunities on other blogs. Curators of high-quality blogs are always looking for expert content. So long as your content is well-written and establishes that you know what you are talking about, other blogs will welcome your writing. 

Improve Your Content Marketing Strategies 

Content marketing is one of the best ways to generate leads for your law firm. Even if your practice relies heavily upon networking, word of mouth, and referral sources, you need content marketing. It has a much broader reach than any other marketing or advertising. 

More importantly, when your content marketing uses effective SEO, it provides organic search traffic to your website, which will help your website rank higher in Google search results. Overall, it can generate leads that become new clients, build trust in your target audience, and increase your visibility in your industry.

How To Get More 5-Star Reviews For Your Law Firm

Many attorneys struggle to acquire positive reviews from even their most content clients. On top of that, it seems the few and rare disgruntled clients leave blaring, negative reviews. Gaining future clients and maintaining your law firm’s reputation depends on a steady flow of happy clients and their online reviews. To get more five-star reviews, you need to understand how to earn positive reviews, how to use lawyer review sites, and how to make the review process easy for your clients.  

How to Earn Positive Reviews 

Aside from your skills, personality, and hard work, there are numerous components that influence client satisfaction. To keep the quality reviews coming your way, you need to be reachable, personable, and technologically savvy. 

Be Reachable and Responsive 

While you likely represent multiple clients on any given day, individual clients may feel overwhelmed about their legal situation. When a client reaches out to you, you need to be available. While it’s impossible to always answer a client’s call right away, get back to them as soon as possible–-think 24 hours or less. Make sure you follow up with clients regarding crucial case information. It is also important to take turns making contact with your clients, as you do not want to always make your client contact you first. 

Make a Personal Connection 

Attorneys need to treat their clients with dignity, respect, and compassion. While it is crucial to maintain unbiased, that does not mean you have to be cold or unsympathetic. Connect with your client by taking an interest in their personal life. Not only will that show them you care, but it will help you understand them and their situation more. 

Update Your Technology  

No matter what type of law you practice, you should have a well-designed and modern website. Take advantage of the existing technology to ensure your firm runs as efficiently as possible. Many clients will appreciate the ease of submitting documents online and having multiple ways to contact you. 

How to Use Lawyer Review Sites 

While personal referrals still happen, online reviews are often more valuable for clients seeking legal representation. To grow a positive online presence, you need to understand how and where to seek out reviews. 

Google Business Profile 

Generating a profile on Google Business Profile, previously known as Google My Business, ensures potential clients your firm is legitimate. Your profile will contain your hours of operation, phone number, website link, and direction information. This is all at no cost to you. You just have to populate the information. A Google Business Profile also gives clients a spot to leave feedback. 


Facebook is among the most popular social media platforms. If your law firm has a Facebook page (and it should), it creates a logical place for clients to leave reviews. 


Avvo rates attorneys on a 10-point scale. The site gathers public information on licensed attorneys and automatically creates profiles. To get the most benefit from Avvo, you need to register for free on the website and claim your profile. While Avvo takes into consideration client reviews, it also looks at factors like peer endorsements, awards, published works, professional affiliations, and certifications. 


Nolo has free and paid profile options. Creating a Nolo profile includes information about your firm, its specialties and philosophy, and its attorneys. In addition to your basic profile, you can publish articles on Nolo, buy ad space, and direct clients to leave their reviews. 


Lawyers.com provides free services for individuals seeking legal guidance, including a lawyer directory and reviews, legal articles, attorney blogs, and a “ask a lawyer” forum. You can boost your profile ranking by participating in all of Lawyers.com’s services. 


Yelp is a well-known, trusted website for reviews. It is entirely free and user-friendly. If you have a law firm profile on Yelp, clients can review your service, share photos, and provide details about your practice. 

How To Make the Review Process Simple 

No matter how many happy clients you have, there will undoubtedly be those who are not satisfied. Unfortunately, those who have had a positive experience are statistically less likely to leave an online review. As such, you must make reviewing an effortless process. Start by simply asking for reviews, send remainders, do not be afraid to stay consistent, and, if need be, look into using an online review service to streamline review collection. 

Ask for Reviews 

 Let your clients know how vital their feedback is to your business, and make it a priority to ask them to leave a review online. Reward your clients by saying thank you for taking the time to leave their kind comments, and respond gently to any negative feedback you receive because a gracious attitude can showcase your professionalism.

Send Reminders 

To increase your chances of getting a review, you will need to send reminders to some clients. Automated emails nudge clients to write a review without seeming overbearing. Include a review link in the email to make it easier for clients to provide their feedback. 

Remain Consistent

Client ratings and review counts are factoring into your website’s SERP rankings. You need to obtain consistent reviews to let Google know that you are providing a valuable and valued service. 

Utilize Online Review Services

Online review service companies can provide serious advantages when managing your online reputation. If you are struggling with managing your reviews, consider investing in an online review management system. A review management system can track those reviews and make it easier for you to respond.

Boost Law Firm Reviews, Improve Website SEO 

Remember that positive online reviews for your law firm can boost your website’s rankings, encourage potential clients to reach out, and set you apart from your competitors. Whether you ask for a review at your final meeting or in a future wrap-up email, make the process straightforward. The easier to make the review process, the more likely it is you will receive a five-star rating.

The 22 Best Law Firm Marketing Strategies For ’22

Digital marketing continues to evolve. Algorithms change, new social media platforms are created, and even Google changes its name (from Google My Business to Google Business Profile)! As a law firm, you may feel overwhelmed regarding what steps to take to increase your online visibility and digital footprint. To improve your website’s quality and traffic and ultimately expand your clientele, there are several law firm marketing tactics you should consider deploying in 2022.

1) Regularly Publish Blogs  

The most important thing you can do in 2022 is to regularly publish new blog articles on your website. A regular blog post schedule keeps your website fresh and increases the chance of traffic. The Google bots only look at your website if there is new content there, so it is imperative to continually provide them with fresh topics that showcase your expertise and authority.  Ultimately, more is better when it comes to content, so make 2022 the year that you put a great deal of fantastic and valuable content on your law firm’s website, or hire a content creation agency specifically for law firms to help you. 

2) Improve Your Website’s Design 

If your website is outdated, you will not stay at the top of Google’s search engine results page (SERP). Remember to use high-quality images and videos in addition to solid content. You should also focus on load time, internal and external linking opportunities, and on-page SEO. 

3) Use Pay-Per-Click Ads

Google AdWords on laptopGoogle Text Ads are highly visible and can draw traffic to your website. To run a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign successfully, you need convertible landing pages, a decent budget, and a willingness to try different strategies. 

4) Evaluate Your Paid Search Budget 

While you may not need to spend a fortune on paid search, you do need to ensure your budget is large enough to compete in your marketing. Take a look at what you are currently spending and determine if that amount needs to be increased. 

5) Target Neighboring Areas 

If you are successfully targeting the areas near your law firm, consider branching out to neighboring cities. Look at the populations of nearby towns and start with creating geo-specific content for those with the highest populations. 

6) Publish Professional Video Content 

Video content ads a human element to law firm websites. Legal matters are complex, and those seeking guidance will feel more comfortable if they can put faces to your law firm’s website. Videos also help you educate potential clients and build overall authority for your website. 

7) Add a Smart Chatbot to Your Website  

Smart chatbots can increase your chances of obtaining potential clients through your website. Services are often affordable and can control dialog flow 24/7 to encourage visitors to search for more information. 

8) Know Your Ideal Client 

Create content for your audience by addressing their pain points and providing possible solutions. If you are at a place where you want to reevaluate who your audience is, consider who makes up your ideal clients, their values, what they need, and where you can find them.

9) Analyze Your Competitors 

Regularly evaluating your competitors can help you determine what marketing strategies to implement to improve your rankings. Check out their social media channels and blog posts. You can also use tools like Semrush to learn about the keywords your competitors rank. 

10) Evaluate Your Content

If you have some pages ranking higher than others, you need to evaluate what makes those pages different. Make a note of disparities in HTML tags, keywords, content structure, and tone. If you have a good idea of which elements work for you, set aside time to improve your lower-ranking pages.

11) Reevaluate Your Keyword Strategy 

Reevaluate your keyword strategy if you are not seeking the rankings you want. You can use tools like Google Analytics to figure out what phrases and long-tail keywords you should be targeting. 

12) Ensure Your Website Is Mobile-friendly  

Your website needs to be optimized for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. That means the design needs to be easily convertible and offer the same functionality as a computer. 

13) Start an Email Marketing Campaign 

Emailing marketing helps you collect contact information and communicate regularly with your target audience. You can use collected email addresses to test campaigns and see what works best for your current, potential, and past clients. 

14) Keep Track of Your Online Reviews 

To increase your firm’s number of online reviews, send review requests to past clients or colleagues. Positive reviews can increase your chances of landing a client, and you could see your rankings go up as Google acknowledges those reviews. If you receive negative feedback, you have the opportunity to address it professionally. 

15) Analyze Website Traffic Origins  

To keep your website traffic trending upwards, you need to know where your visitors are coming from. If you see a sudden surge of traffic, you will want to know where it came from and how you can keep those numbers up. 

16) Make Your Website Fast 

If your website speed is slow, site visitors may lose interest before you even get a chance to show them what you have to offer. Speed also has a direct impact on search rankings. If you have not yet optimized your website for speed, start now.  

17) Take Up Guest Posting 

Reach out to other website owners and ask if you can write an article published on their website that includes a link to one of your target pages. Guest posting increases your backlinks and has the potential to improve your domain authority. 

18) Use Legal Directories 

Using legal directories as part of your SEO strategy can lead to backlinks for your website, improved accuracy in Google’s Local Search, and a more visible web presence. 

19) Retarget Social Media Ads

social media logos mapRetargeting is a cost-effective way to stay on the minds of potential clients. If someone is considering legal services for the first time, they may not be ready to sign up the first time they come across your website. However, with the top-of-mind awareness retargeting provides, site visitors are more likely to become paying clients.  

20) Funnel Your Content 

Instead of pointing social media traffic to your homepage, give your practice area landing pages a clear path with a content funnel. Potential clients will have an easier time finding the answers they need.

21) Expand Your Outreach 

Expanding your network can have a significant impact on your website’s success. You can consider several strategies, including new social media profiles, professional outreach, and community involvement. 

22) Hire a Digital Marketing Company 

When it comes down to it, SEO is complicated. It often takes years for law firm websites to get off the ground without help from specialized experts. If you are at a place where you just do not know what to do, or the next steps to take, make sure to contact a digital marketing firm that specializes in legal content.  

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